DFG Walter-Benjamin grant for the investigation of sex as a biological variable in alloimmunity
Influences of donor and recipient sex on transplantation outcome have been described manifold, as well as an influence of sex hormones on the innate and adaptive immune response. So far, research, investigating the impact of sex hormones and different sex- and age-dependent sex-hormone levels on alloimmune response after solid organ transplantation is lacking. The aim of the project “Sex as a biological Variable in Alloimmunity” is, to delineate the impact of sex hormones and especially estrogens and age-dependent changes in estrogen-levels on alloimmune response after allogenic transplantation. The project is based on the publication “Recipient sex and estradiol levels affect transplant outcomes in an age-specific fashion” published in the AJT in 2021 by the workgroup of Prof. Tullius.
Friederike, who already received the Sanofi Women in Transplantation fellowship grant for research in gender and sex in transplantation in 2021, will work as a Postdoc on this project in the Tullius Lab for an expected 2 years period, starting in January 2023.